Here Miller dreamcasts an adaptation of her new novel, Freedom's Child:
Before coming to this blog, I always wondered if I were the only person to imagine my characters as actors.Visit Jax Miller's website.
As someone whose passion is more invested in film than books (as an author, this is probably blasphemous), I�ve always used the movies as my main source of inspiration in all of my writing. So writing in Freedom�s Child, I had to be able to see it on my mental big screen before writing it each chapter down. So this is easy for me.
My main character is always the most difficult because I always imagined myself (because who doesn�t love playing pretend?). For Freedom, I�d love to see Charlize Theron, she�s just so powerful on the screen. Though looks-wise, I�d love to see what Julianne Moore would look like on a Harley Davidson with sleeves of tattoos. Officer Mattley, hands down, was Bradley Cooper. Mason Paul, Freedom�s biological son, was an American version of Tom Hiddleston. The Reverend Virgil Paul was Michael Shannon (though Willem Dafoe would be fab). Passion, Freedom�s best friend and prostitute, was always Whitney Houston in my head, though I admit, that�s an interesting choice.
--Marshal Zeringue
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