Here the author dreamcasts an adaptation of her latest novel, The Big Chili:
I think authors often dream of their characters coming to life, and I certainly have wondered what a casting director might do with these people of my imagination.Learn more about the book and author at Julia Buckley's website and her blog, Mysterious Musings.
If I had my druthers, here�s who I might choose.
My main character, Lilah Drake, is smart but sweet�honest and loyal. She also feels unlucky in love, despite the interest of two very handsome men. So here�s an attempt to capture the personalities of that love triangle.
For Lilah, I�m thinking Greta Gerwig. She�s twenty-ish and very pretty without looking overly made up. She has a natural look, and she projects friendliness, which I think Lilah does, as well.
Lilah falls pretty quickly for a handsome dark-haired police detective. In fact, she is often almost confused by how good-looking he is. For the character of the enigmatic Jay Parker, I think the closest match is Henry Cavill, the actor from Superman. Cavill has the dark-haired mystery, but also the slightly aloof look that Jay tends to project.
Lilah also has an ex-boyfriend. He too is extremely good looking: a dark-haired Italian who has all the charisma that Jay keeps to himself. Lilah soon tired of Angelo Cardini�s easy charm, though, which is why she is currently unattached.
For Angelo, l like the actor Alessio Boni (though I would need a younger version of him). Boni looks ruggedly handsome and eye-catching. Angelo, who owns a restaurant on the main drag of Pine Haven, is always catching the attention of local women, much to Lilah�s chagrin.
Finally, for Perpetua Grandy, a local woman and a devoted parishioner of St. Bart�s Church (for whom Lilah makes a pot of ill-fated chili), I would cast the amazing Melissa McCarthy. McCarthy would bring out the earnestness of Pet, as Lilah calls her, and convey the homey quality of this character.
It�s fun to try to put a face on something that is, in essence, just a little fume of the imagination. These concrete images make the story more real, and pay tribute to the creative intentions of the author.
--Marshal Zeringue
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