Here Stevens dreamcasts an adaptation of The Mask, the latest Vanessa Michael Munroe novel:
Vanessa Michael Munroe is a quasi-psychotic, knife-wielding, butt-kicking, mercenary information hunter cut from the same cloth as characters like Jason Bourne and Jack Reacher. She�s tall, lithe, and androgynous and, because she spends most of her time working in developing and despot run countries, she sometimes spends more time under the guise of a male than she does as a female. This makes her a difficult character to cast.Visit Taylor Stevens's website.
Also at issue is the way Hollywood typically presents female action heroes�not so much as characters or people who own their choices or bodies, but as fantasy objects sewn up in tight, pleasing and teasing outfits, put there for eye candy. A phrase I once heard that accurately summed up this type of character was �Fighting F_ck Toy.� And Vanessa Michael Munroe is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an FFT�unless, of course, you�re her mark and a fighting f_ck toy would get her into your head faster than any other guise. In that case she�ll be that FFT until she�s gotten everything she wants from you, and then she�ll vanish.
Readers do love to play the �who should be Munroe in the movies� game and often send me suggestions, all of them fun, all of them fantastic actresses. The closest representation to Munroe that I�ve ever personally seen on screen is Carrie-Anne Moss in her role as Trinity in The Matrix. If I had my druthers (to clarify: I have absolutely no say-so in casting decisions), I�d want an unknown actress to claim this role so that she could own the character completely in a way that a �star� just couldn�t.
James Cameron and Jon Landau, through their production company Lightstorm Entertainment, currently hold film option rights to Vanessa Michael Munroe. James Cameron has a long history of bringing strong women to film, and he�s never made a bad movie. If Vanessa Michael Munroe does hit the big screen, it will be as much of a surprise to me to watch her come to life as it will be to the many readers who love her, but the one thing I know for sure is that there�s no one else�s hands in which I�d prefer she be.
--Marshal Zeringue
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